Visitor Information

We welcome visitors.

Thank you for helping us ensure the dignity, privacy, and safety of people in our programs by following the guidelines below.

The information found on this page will assist visitors coming to Natchaug Hospital's main location, Mansfield Center.

For visitor information at other Natchaug locations, please contact those locations directly.

Hartford HealthCare does not deny, restrict, or otherwise limit visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.


Help us to Serve You and Your Family Better

Natchaug Hospital wants to meet the needs of the people we serve. We welcome your ideas about how to make our programs better.

If you are worried about the care you or a loved one is receiving at Natchaug Hospital, please contact the director of the program.


Visiting Hours

Please contact your patient's treatment team regarding visitation information (visitors are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes early to be checked in).

Monday-Friday 6:30-7:30 PM; Saturdays & Sundays 1:30-2:30 PM

Child & Adolescent:
Monday-Friday 6:30-7:30 PM; Saturdays & Sundays 10:00–11:00 AM


Please help us protect the privacy and safety of our patients and family members.

Please respect these guidelines:

  • Photo ID is needed for each visitor (except children under 16 with a family member).
  • Please, no more than two visitors at a time.
  • Visitors under age 18 must be with an adult.
  • Visitors under the age of 12 must be approved by the treatment team.
  • Visitors may not smoke at the hospital.
  • visitors are not allowed to have food, drinks or cell phones while visiting patients.

The hospital reserves the right to impose restrictions on visitation in order to ensure the safety and/or medical needs of our clients, visitors and staff.

Phone Guidelines

There are payphones on the Adult and Adolescent Units (the Adolescent Unit payphone does not accept incoming calls - outgoing calls only). Children use the phone at the nurses’ desk to talk with their families, guardians, and others. The child’s therapist will help the child decide who to call.

  • To respect the interests of each patient, phone calls are limited to 10 minutes.
  • Calls coming in during group sessions will be returned in order to not disturb the group.
  • A patient who needs a longer call or a call during group time can make plans with their therapist.

Pay Phone Numbers:

Adult Unit:

Other Important Phone Numbers:

Director of Nursing:
860.456.1311 x65916

Patient Advocates/Client Rights Officers:
888.339.0444 or email

PLEASE NOTE: During the week, calls placed after 8:00 PM are less likely to disturb school and treatment groups. Please make arrangements with staff if children or adolescents need to be available for calls during the day on weekdays, or for calls likely to take more than 10-minutes.