ECSU Luncheon

Zeroing in on Suicide

Hosted by

Elsa M. Nuñez
President of Eastern Connecticut State University
Pat Rehmer
President of the Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network

Guest Speaker

Marisa Giarnella-Porco
Founder and President, Jordan Porco Foundation

“Empowering Young Adults: A Fresh Approach to Mental Health Programming"

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Noon - 1:30PM
Betty R. Tipton Room
Student Center, Eastern Connecticut State University
Willimantic, Connecticut

Minimum donation of $100 per guest.
Sponsored tables of ten available

Luncheon co-sponsored by the ECSU Foundation, Inc.
All proceeds will benefit Natchaug Hospital’s educational programs

For more information, e-mail

Natchaug Hospital