The Program | Eligibility | Expectations | FAQs | Locations
Recover from mental health issues, emotional trauma, and addictions.
- Mental illnesses, such as depression, cut across gender, race, and ethnicity.
- A mental illness such as a depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood.
- It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away.
- People with a depressive illness, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental illnesses cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better.
- Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years.
- Treatment can help most people who suffer from emotional disorders, and mental illness, as well as substance abuse / addictions.
The Program
The Young Adult Program is where 18 to 25-year olds can feel comfortable dealing with the issues that are unique to their stage of life. The Program serves men and women in this age group who are struggling due to mental illness, occupational or educational problems, relationship issues, family conflict, addictions or other influences that interfere with their day-to-day functioning.
In order to minimize conflicts with school or work, the program is run Monday through Friday during the afternoon. The length of treatment generally runs six to eight weeks depending on the individual needs of the patient.
Although patients are not required to inform their family of their treatment, the decision about whether or not to involve their family is an important one. Patients are encouraged to include anyone who will be a support to them throughout treatment.
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Natchaug Hospital’s clinicians can help you decide if this program is for you or not. They will do a brief phone screening and then have you come in for a full evaluation, after which they will give you their recommendations. If you are already seeing a counselor once a week and still having a hard time managing your issues, this may be just the program for you.
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You can expect to be in a supportive group setting with other people between the age of
18 and 25. You will attend three or four groups per day, depending on which treatment
program you are in. There will be groups that involve talking about your issues, and other groups that are more about learning specific skills to manage your symptoms.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long will I be in the program?
A: Most people are in the program for about six weeks but it varies from person to person. You will make decisions about discharge with your therapist.
Q: Does my family need to know that I’m in the program?
A: The simple answer is no, but the decision about whether or not to involve your family is an important one. We encourage you to include anyone in your treatment who will be a support to you through this process. Trying to handle things alone often makes it more difficult.
Q: How will I get to the program?
A: We can provide transportation if you need it. You can also drive yourself to the program in or you can arrange to have someone drive you. Some insurance plans may cover the cost of transportation.
Q: What do PHP and IOP stand for and what is the difference?
A: PHP stands for Partial Hospital Program. This involves four hours of treatment, usually five
days per week. IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient Program and is three hours per day and anywhere from three to five days per week. Your level of care will be determined at the time of your intake depending on your need.
Q: How do I get started?
A: You can call to learn more about the program or to schedule an evaluation. Once you have
your evaluation, most people who decide to do the program will start the next day.
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